Research Article

Glufosinate Effects on Nitrogen Nutrition, Growth, Yield, and Seed Composition in Glufosinate-Resistant and Glufosinate-Sensitive Soybean

Table 1

Glufosinate effect on plant injury, chlorophyll content, and yield in glufosinate-resistant, glyphosate-resistant, and conventional soybean in a field study at Stoneville, MS, 2009 and 2010a.

HerbicideRate (g/ha)Application timingPlant injury (%)Chlorophyll (mg/g leaf)Soybean yield (kg/ha)

Glufosinate-resistant soybean
 No glufosinate0 0a1.63a1.74a3749a
 Glufosinate fb450EPOST3a1.50a1.86a3812a
Glyphosate-resistant soybean
 No glufosinate00b1.43a1.69a4911a
Conventional soybean
 No glufosinate00b1.58a1.56a3394a

Abbreviations: fb: followed by; EPOST: early postemergence applied at 3 wk after planting; LPOST: late postemergence applied at 6 wk after planting.
aMeans within a column for each soybean type followed by the same letter are not statistically significant at the 5% level as determined by Fisher’s LSD test.