Research Article

Impact of Forage Fertilization with Urea and Composted Cattle Manure on Soil Fertility in Sandy Soils of South-Central Vietnam

Table 4

Soil chemical models in 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 25 cm strata selected from candidate fixed effects of compost (C), urea (U), compost × urea (C × U), preexperiment soil fertility for each parameter sampled at 15 to 25 cm depth (PSF), and significant interactions, with block included as a random effect.

Parameter0 to 15 cm depth15 to 25 cm depth
Model effectFarm (%)Model effectFarm (%)

S (mg/kg)C × U × PSF82C × U × PSF85
Mg (mg/kg)C × U × PSF87C × U × PSF89
Zn (mg/kg)C × U × PSF28C × U × PSF16
Mn (mg/kg)C × PSF87C × U × PSF49
OM (g/kg)C × U × PSF65U × PSF77
K (mg/kg)C × PSF51C × PSF60
Cu (mg/kg)C × U × PSF62PSF53
CEC (cmol+/kg)PSF31C × U × PSF46
P (mg/kg)PSF52C × U × PSF28
NH4-N (mg/kg)PSF66PSF C × U42
pH (1 : 1 soil : water)C PSF88PSF75
Fe (mg/kg)PSF88PSF70
Al (mg/kg)PSF62PSF58
NO3-N (mg/kg)PSF43PSF46
Ca (mg/kg)C × U75PSF49
Na (mg/kg)PSF47C × U49
B (mg/kg)NSNS

Where interactions were significant, only highest level interactive effect or effects are shown, although lower level terms were also in the model.
Each row represents a single model for each soil depth.
Percentage of residual variance explained by farm in each model is indicated.