Research Article

Growth and Fruit Yield of Okro as Influenced by Genotypes and Mulch in the Guinea Savannah Conditions of Ghana

Table 3

Growth and yield characteristics of okro genotypes evaluated under different mulch materials.

ParameterPlant girth
Plant height
Fruit length
Fruit width
Fruit numberNumber of fruits/plantMean fruit weight (g)Fruit yield

 Black plastic20.25a90.40a12.90a24.99a92.00a23.00a32.99a3.49a
 Bare (no mulch)12.98b51.90b11.23b25.19a77.00c19.00c35.26a3.11b
 Ex Makutopora15.42a69.50abc10.98d24.29d118.00a30.00a36.66c4.80b
 ML OK 1016.09a69.10abc10.38d25.60d44.00f11.00f30.10def1.45 g
 ML OK 1616.15a57.40bcd14.76b21.29e94.00b23.00b26.06fg2.74d
 ML OK 3514.99a46.40d12.47c22.50e70.00de18.00de24.24 g1.88f
 ML OK 3715.76a72.20ab10.09d31.15b76.00cd19.00cd32.03cde2.71d
 TZ SMN 10-316.00a71.20abc16.11a21.59e65.00e16.00e30.75def2.25ef
 TZ SMN 8615.23a55.40cd10.97d21.25e88.00b22.00b33.20cd3.19c
 TZ SMN 9815.29a62.00bcd12.89c21.94e84.00bc21.00bc27.45efg2.55de

Means followed by the same letter within each column indicate no significant difference between treatments by Duncan’s multiple range tests .