Research Article

Selected Chemical Properties of Soybean Rhizosphere Soil as Influenced by Cropping Systems, Rhizobium Inoculation, and the Supply of Phosphorus and Potassium after Two Consecutive Cropping Seasons

Table 2

Effects of rhizobium inoculation, cropping systems, and the supply of P and K on soil pH, EC, and micronutrients in the rhizosphere soil measure in 2016 season.

Water 1 : 2.5mS/cmppm

Crop. system
 M + B (A)
 M + B (B)
 20 K
 40 K
 26 P
 52 P
 20 K + 26 P
 40 K + 52 P
3-way ANOVA F-statistics

CroSyt: cropping systems; Fert: fertilizers; Rhiz: Rhizobium; SB: sole soybean; M + B (A): maize/soybean intercropped at a spacing of 75 × 60 cm and 75 × 20 cm, maize, and soybean, respectively; M + B (B): maize/soybean intercropped at a spacing of 75 × 60 cm and 75 × 40 cm, maize, and soybean respectively; values presented are means ± SE; at , , and , respectively; ns = not significant and SE = standard error. Means followed by dissimilar letter(s) in a column are significantly different from each other at according to Fischer least significance difference (LSD).