Research Article

Gas Exchange and Productivity in Temperate and Droughty Years of Four Eastern, Elite Loblolly Pine Genotypes Grown in the Western Gulf Region

Table 4

Crown foliage area (m2), light-saturated photosynthesis (µmol·m−2), conductance (mmol·s−1), and transpiration (mmol·s−1) of previous-year and current-year foliage of loblolly pine genotypes at a site in North Central Louisiana in August 2009 and in 2010 (averaged for May, June, August, and September).

Previous-year foliageCurrent-year foliage

Foliage area
 August 200913.81a3.11b4.50b13.37a28.82a9.72b9.79b23.24a
 May–September average 201077.57a38.52b57.44a26.28c169.85a41.66b139.30a30.43b
 August 200981.41a18.00b23.35b80.46a183.10a57.70b59.10b145.54a
 May–September average 201059.43a17.35ab51.71a8.81b100.66a30.44ab116.10a11.80b

 August 20091.09a0.20b0.26b1.11a2.55a0.67c0.67c1.41b
 May–September average 20100.88a0.44bc0.71ab0.29c1.93a0.42b1.67a0.27b

For each parameter, date, and foliage flush, means within a row followed by different letters are different at .