Research Article

Primary Selection and Secondary Diversification: Two Key Processes in the History of Olive Domestication

Table 2

Number and proportion of wild and cultivated genotypes assigned to each a posteriori genetic group resulting from DAPC and proportion of major maternal lineages for each group.

Genetic groupsAssigned genotypes (%)Maternal lineage (%)

Cultivatedwest50 (12.2)50 (100.0)
Cultivatedcenter138 (33.7)129 (93.5)3 (2.2)6 (4.3)
Cultivatedeast59 (14.4)59 (100.0)
Cultivatedadmixed150 (36.6)129 (86.0)14 (9.3)6 (4.0)1 (0.7)
Total (cultivated olive)410377 (91.95)18 (4.40)14 (3.40)1 (0.24)
Wildwest/center398 (55.1)55 (13.8)307 (77.1)36 (9.0)
Wildeast265 (36.7)265 (100.0)
Wildadmixed49 (6.8)26 (53.1)22 (44.9)1 (2.0)
Total (wild olive)722346 (47.92)338 (46.82)38 (5.26)
Total1132723 (63.87)356 (31.45)52 (4.59)1 (0.09)

Under the assignation probability , 1E1: E1.1, E1.2, E1.3, E1.4, E1.5, E1.6, E1.7, E1.8, E1.9, E1.10, E1.11, E1.12, E1.13, E1.14, E1.15, E1.20, E1.21, E1.27, 2E2: E2.1, E2.2, E2.3, E2.4, E2.5, E2.6, E2.7, E2.8, E2.12, E2.14, 3E3: E3.1, E3.2, E3.3, E3.5.