Research Article

Evaluation of Sensor-Based Nitrogen Rates and Sources in Wheat

Table 6

Three cases illustrating topdress N rate recommendations prescribed by US-Canada-Mexico Algorithm and grain yield results obtained following the application of prescribed N rates.

CaseSite-yearTrtPreplant N rate,
kg ha−1
Topdress N rate,
kg ha−1
Total N rate,
kg ha−1
N rate difference,
kg ha−1
kg ha−1
Yield gain,
kg ha−1

1Conrad, 20122220782986187 d+1076
690301207263 a
2Conrad, 2011690111012152 b+672
72233551480 e
3Conrad, 20123221638+986658 c+605
690301207263 a

followed by the same letter are not significantly different at , as determined by Duncan’s multiple range test.