Research Article

Evaluation of Quizalofop-Resistant Rice for Arkansas Rice Production Systems

Table 1

Effect of ACCase-inhibiting herbicide and growth stage at time of application for control of barnyardgrass, broadleaf signalgrass, fall panicum, and Amazon sprangletop at 21 DAT.

Growth stageHerbicideRateControl
g ai ha−1%

2- to 3-leafQuizalofop80100 a99 a100 a100 a
Quizalofop120100 a100 a100 a100 a
Quizalofop160100 a100 a100 a100 a
Fenoxaprop12296 ab99 a100 a99 a
Cyhalofop31396 ab98 a100 a98 ab

5- to 6-leafQuizalofop8091 bc100 a99 a96 b
Quizalofop12097 a100 a100 a100 a
Quizalofop16099 a100 a100 a100 a
Fenoxaprop12289 c85 b76 c85 c
Cyhalofop31348 d56 d39 d44 g

12- to 16-leafQuizalofop8036 e54 d92 b70 e
Quizalofop12040 e64 c90 b73 e
Quizalofop16053 d86 b95 ab80 d
Fenoxaprop12227 f33 f75 c61 f
Cyhalofop31319 g47 e29 e38 h

DAT: days after treatment, ECHCG: barnyardgrass, BRAPP: broadleaf signalgrass, PANDI: fall panicum, LEFPA: Amazon sprangletop. Means within a column followed by the same letter are not different according to Fisher’s LSD ().