Research Article

Evaluation of Quizalofop-Resistant Rice for Arkansas Rice Production Systems

Table 2

Effect of ACCase-inhibiting herbicide and growth stage at time of application on relative biomass of barnyardgrass, broadleaf signalgrass, fall panicum, and Amazon sprangletop at 21 DAT.

Grass sizeHerbicideRateBiomass
g ai ha−1% of untreated check

2- to 3-leafQuizalofop805 e7 e4 d4 f
Quizalofop1207 e6 e3 d3 f
Quizalofop1605 e4 e3 d3 f
Fenoxaprop1228 e6 e4 d5 f
Cyhalofop3138 e7 e6 d4 f

5- to 6-leafQuizalofop807 e8 e4 d7 ef
Quizalofop1208 e7 e5 d5 f
Quizalofop1606 e7 e4 d4 f
Fenoxaprop1229 e20 d20 c16 de
Cyhalofop31343 d41 c63 a60 a

12- to 16-leafQuizalofop8061 bc57 ab20 c27 c
Quizalofop12058 c51 bc19 c27 c
Quizalofop16055 c22 d18 c22 cd
Fenoxaprop12267 b65 a39 b44 b
Cyhalofop31384 a62 ab69 a67 a

DAT: days after treatment, ECHCG: barnyardgrass, BRAPP: broadleaf signalgrass, PANDI: fall panicum, LEFPA: Amazon sprangletop. Means within a column followed by the same letter are not different according to Fisher’s protected LSD (). Data expressed as percent relative biomass compared with nontreated control for each grass species and growth stage. Nontreated check was harvested on the same day as treated plots.