Research Article

Screening Selected Solanum Plants as Potential Rootstocks for the Management of Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita)

Table 4

Mean yield parameters of the rootstocks after RKN infestation in 2015 (year 1) and 2016 (year 2).

TreatmentDays to 50% floweringNumber of fruits/plantFruit yield/plant (g)Fruit yield (kg/ha)Mean fruit weight/plant (g)

Year 1 (dry season)
 S. M39.00b10.33bc227.50c28442b22.74b
 S. A51.00c12.00c147.61b18448ab12.30b

Year 2 (rainy season)
 S. M41.00c9.00a339.10a10596.88a37.68b
 S. A58.00d19.00b204.40a6387.50a10.75a

Means having different letters in a column differ significantly (). Rootstocks: Sam = Samrudhi F1; Mon = Mongal F1; S. M = S. macrocarpon; S. A = S. aethiopicum.