Research Article

Growth and Yield Performance of Roselle Accessions as Influenced by Intercropping with Maize in the Guinea Savannah Ecology of Ghana

Table 3

Main effect of accession and cropping system on roselle growth and yield performance.



Cropping system

A1 = Bissap; A2 = Local; A3 = Samadah; IC = intercrop; S = sole; CDY = calyx dry yield (t/ha); CYF = calyx yield fraction (%); CFY = calyx fresh yield (t/ha); SDY = shoot dry yield (t/ha), NL = number of leaves per plant (n); PH = plant height (cm); SD = stem diameter (cm); TDB = total aboveground dry biomass (t/ha); TSW = thousand seed weight (g); LSD = least significant difference; ns = not significant.