Research Article

Different Rates of Chicken Manure and NPK 15-15-15 Enhanced Performance of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on Ferruginous Soil

Table 6

Effect of different rates of chicken manure and NPK fertilizers on dry matter partitioning by sunflowers.

TreatmentsMain croppingResidual
Root dry weight (g)Shoot dry weight (g)Root dry weight (g)Shoot dry weight (g)

Control9.6ab ± 0.0632.3dc ± 3.267.53c ± 0.4855.7e ± 1.21
PM112.8ab ± 10.344.5c ± 3.6011.27b ± 0.3775.3c ± 1.21
PM213.2ab ± 1.9466.7a ± 1.729.73b ± 1.0375.3c ± 1.53
PM312.9ab ± 1.3562.4ab ± 1.4011.3a ± 0.4077.3b ± 1.77
PM413.3ab ± 1.2058.4b ± 11.66.03d ± 0.3343.5ef ± 0.87
NPK110.9ab ± 1.8322.0e ± 1.756.40d ± 0.3263.3d ± 2.03
NPK219.6a ± 14.530.2de ± 3.1511.70a ± 0.380.7a ± 1.22
NPK37.3b ± 0.3421.1e ± 5.012.23b ± 0.2338.3f ± 1.89

PM1 = chicken manure 5 t·ha−1; PM2 = chicken manure 10 t·ha−1; PM3 = chicken manure 15 t·ha−1; PM4 = chicken manure 5 t·ha−1; NPK1 = NPK 30 kg·N·t·ha−1; NPK2 = NPK 60 kg·N·t·ha−1; NPK3 = NPK 90 kg·N·t·ha−1. Means ± standard deviation with the same letter on the same column are not significantly different at using DMRT.