Review Article

Action Mechanisms of Plant Growth Promoting Cyanobacteria in Crops In Situ: A Systematic Review of Literature

Table 2

Research objectives

Research objectiveReference

To understand and evaluate the PGPR effect of various cyanobacterial strains on wheat and pea crops[19, 20, 25, 2931].
To isolate and identify native plant-growth-promoting cyanobacterial strains in wheat and rice crops[4, 3236].
To determine the effectiveness of cyanobacteria colonization, their physical, metabolic and enzymatic effects, as well as their impact as biofertilizers in stressed soils, corn, and rice crops[17, 3740].
To identify the most promising combinations of plant growth promoting cyanobacteria for effective nutrient management in rice plants[32, 35, 4143].
To improve rice plants efficiency in saline soil and decrease the electrical conductivity of the soil using N-fixing cyanobacteria as biofertilizers[32, 44].
To determine the potential of a consortium of endogenous cyanobacteria and CBBs (cyanobacterial biofilmed fertilizers) for the bioremediation of soil and wheat crops growth under greenhouse conditions[18, 31, 45]

Source: own elaboration