Research Article

Weed Control in Dicamba-Resistant Soybean with Glyphosate/Dicamba Applied at Various Doses and Timings

Table 2

Significance of main effects and interaction for percent visible soybean injury 1 WAA, soybean moisture content at harvest, and soybean yield treated with glyphosate/dicamba at various POST application rates and timings at five Ridgetown, ON, sites (2016–2018) and two Exeter, ON, sites (2017-2018).

Main effectsInjury (%)Moisture (%)Yield (T·ha−1)

Application timing
5 cm weed height0.2a15.2b2.8b
15 cm weed height0.5a14.9ab3.1ab
25 cm weed height1.6b14.6a3.2a

Glyphosate/dicamba rate
Untreated control0a16.1b1.7b
900 g·ae·ha−10.1b14.6a3.4a
1350 g·ae·ha−10.7c14.6a3.5a
1800 g·ae·ha−11.3c14.5a3.5a


Note. NS: not significant at level; POST: postemergence; R: herbicide rate; T: application timing; WAA: weeks after herbicide application. Means followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to a Tukey–Kramer multiple range test at . Differences among simple effects are not presented due to negligible R × T interactions. Significance at and levels denoted by and , respectively. No soybean injury was observed at the 4 WAA evaluation.