Review Article

A Review of Chamber and Micrometeorological Methods to Quantify NH3 Emissions from Fertilisers Field Application

Table 3

Summary of main studies focused on dynamic chamber method improvements.

Lockyer (1984)Jiang et al. [64]Roelcke et al. [56]Study conditionsAimImportant improvementsReference

X(i) CO2 was used instead of NH3
(ii) 3 trials were carried out: two of them in a greenhouse and the other in the field
Testing the reliability of the conventional sampling system.Introduction of 20 sampling points on 4 branches, to avoid underestimation of the actual gas flux.Loubet et al. [7]
X(i) CO was used as a gas tracer
(ii) It was introduced below a water surface, using a single point or a linear manifold
Determination and improvement of gas recovery rate.The recovery rate was improved up to 92–102%, using a modified sampling chamber and tube configuration.Wang et al. [66]

X(i) 2 indoor experiments conducted at constant wind speeds of 0.5 and 1.0 m·s−1
(ii) An alkaline solution (3 L) containing ammonium sulphate was used as trap for each tunnel
Design, construction, and calibration of a revised wind tunnelA new arrangement that allows each tunnel to be an independent unit, with an adjustable speed motor and a continuous air sampler.Meisinger et al. [67]
X(i) 5 field experiments were carried out measuring NH3 volatilisation with IHF and DTM, in winter and summer season
(ii) Urea was used as fertiliser
Calibration of DTM by means of comparison with IHF results.Two different calibration equations:
ln (NH3fluxIHF)=0.444 ln (NH3fluxDTM) + 0.590 ln (v2m) (winter season)
ln (NH3fluxIHF)=0.456 ln (NH3fluxDTM) + 0.745 ln (v2m) − 0.280 ln (v0.2m) (summer season.)
Pacholski et al. [57]

X(i) Laboratory experiments were conducted with an NH3 source tank
(ii) Mean wind speed of 0.1–0.4 m·s−1, while turbulence intensities of 11–33%
Studying and modelling the NH3 mass transfer in the wind tunnel.NH3 mass transfer coefficient was modelled statistically, depending on wind velocity and turbulence intensity.Saha et al. [68]

X(i) 5 wind tunnel sizes were simulated using CFD
(ii) Inlet air velocity range is 0.1–0.6 m·s−1
Studying the effect of wind tunnel sizes on NH3 emissions.The effects of wind tunnel size were evaluated. In particular, wind tunnel height affects both velocity and concentration boundary layer thickness.Saha et al. [69]
X(i) 4 flow distribution devices were designed and compared using CFD
(ii) Inlet air velocities used were 1, 2.5, and 5 m·s−1
Assessment of the best aerodynamic performances with different WT configurations.The problem of air stagnation and flow recirculation inside the chamber could be solved introducing particular flow distribution devices.Scotto di Perta et al. [70]

Notes. IHF = integrated horizontal flux; DTM = Dräger tube method; WT = wind tunnel; CFD = computational fluid dynamics.