Research Article

Phenotypic Characterization of Fine-Aroma Cocoa from Northeastern Peru

Table 2

Productivity descriptors of fine-flavor native cocoa.


Fruit length1: large (20–24 cm), 2: medium (15–19 cm), 3: small (10–14 cm).
Seed length1: large, 2: medium, 3: small.
Number of seeds per fruitWe selected a sample of 20 fruits (N = 20). Subsequently, we quantified the number of seeds per fruit, and a final average was obtained.
Dry peeled seed weightA sample of 30 oven-dried seeds was weighed (90°C × 8 hours). Afterwards, the weight was divided by 30 to obtain the average weight of the seeds.
Index of cocoa fruitsThe formula proposed by Wood and Lass [12] was used:
IF = 1000/NUSE × PESE
where IF = index of cocoa fruit, NUSE = number of seeds/fruit, and PESE = average dry weight of one seed.