Research Article

Intercropping and Nitrogen Fertilization Altered the Patterns of Leaf Senescence in Sorghum

Table 5

Maximum leaf greenness (SPADmax), minimum leaf greenness (SPADmin), time to loss of 50% SPADmax (EC50), and the rate of leaf senescence (RS) means of two sorghum varieties (Gadam and Serena) grown in sole and intercrop system with two varieties of cowpea (K80 and M66) and N rate at the KALRO research stations in Igoji and Katumani during 2018/2019 short rains season.

SPADmax (SPAD units)SPADmin (SPAD units)EC50 (days)RS (SPAD units day−1)SPADmax (SPAD units)SPADmin (SPAD units)EC50 (days)RS (SPAD units day−1)

Cropping systems (CS)
Sole Gadam49.73a10.08a31.43a6.39a61.48ab15.41a23.95a8.53a
Gadam + K8040.77b14.38a29.49a5.16a64.18a17.17a22.72a4.41b
Gadam + M6642.30b14.79a27.08a4.17a55.90ab15.40a25.15a4.55b
Sole Serena42.70b13.33a31.38a5.25a57.04ab16.32a24.27a4.96b
Serena + K8042.36b15.08a30.14a3.71a51.60b16.11a22.82a4.84b
Serena + M6641.03b12.73a22.55a4.04a51.49b16.93a28.12a5.03b

N rates
0 kg·N·ha−141.52b12.95a26.21b3.10b49.17b14.26a17.62b4.83a
40 kg·N·ha−141.25b12.23a26.03b5.51a62.35a16.16a26.64a5.19a
80 kg·N·ha−146.67a15.01a33.80a5.74a59.33a18.25a29.25a6.14a
value CS × N0.0030.6060.3320.1270.0430.0940.2520.142

The means within a column followed by the same alphabets are statistically similar, CS: cropping system, CS × N: interaction between cropping system and N rate, ns: not significant.