Research Article

Supply-Side Practices and Constraints of the Kola Nut (Cola nitida (Vent) Schott. and Endl.) Value Chain in Ghana: A Descriptive Evidence

Table 7

Major constraints to kola production.

ConstraintsN Percent of responses

Lack of planting materials217.3
Lack of market7927.4
Low/poor market price of nuts (price fluctuation)17761.5
Lack of information on grower recommendation8228.5
Lack of credit facilities (financial challenge)3211.1
Problems of bush fires10.3
Poor weather conditions144.9
Lack of inputs (including protective clothing)13145.5
Pests and diseases17460.4
Labour challenge113.8
Harvesting challenge (due to tree’s height and size)51.7
Theft issues93.1
Poor bearing of kola trees103.5

Multiple responses.