Research Article

Supply-Side Practices and Constraints of the Kola Nut (Cola nitida (Vent) Schott. and Endl.) Value Chain in Ghana: A Descriptive Evidence

Table 9

Kola nut processing practices in Ghana.


Are kola nuts sorted before processing/selling? (N = 401)Yes60.8

Things looked out for during sorting (multiple responses, N = 452)Mouldiness85.2
Insects damaged71.7
Sizes (big/small)14.8
Colour (red/white/pink)13.5

How are mouldy nuts treated? (N = 208)Less mouldy nuts are sold locally for local consumption at a low price14.9
Kept for personal use (chewing)0.5
Buyers take it free1.0
Thrown away (discarded)83.7

Are nuts depulped by you? (N = 402)Yes48.0
No, I buy already depulped nuts2.7
No, I sell/give them out with the pulp44.5
Both (I depulp some and I buy some already depulped)4.7

How kola nuts are depulped (multiple responses, N = 311)Soaking in water82.7
Heaping on the floor and trampling with feet49.0
Put in moistened jute sacks6.3
Use of a knife/a piece of stick11.5

Are kola nuts rinsed with water after depulping? (N = 226)Yes89.8

Any chemical added to the water for rinsing? (N = 203)Yes28.6