Research Article

Effects of Conservation Agriculture and Conventional Tillage on the Soil Physicochemical Properties and Household Income in Southern Ethiopia

Table 6

T-test mean comparison on the effects of CA and CT on the soil the exchangeable bases (meq/100 gm of soil) and PBS (meq/100 gm of soil) in the selected kebeles of Arba Minch Zuriya and Derashe districts.

Mean (±SE)Mean (±SE)

Na+1.05 ± 0.10.96 ± 0.050.47
K+0.94 ± 0.04a1.46 ± 0.23b0.03
Ca2+44.69 ± 3.52a34.95 ± 1.63b0.01
Mg2+15.97 ± 2.8614.27 ± 0.320.56
Sum of cations68.21 ± 1.66a60.67 ± 1.52b0.002
CEC68.2 ± 1.66a60.67 ± 1.52b0.002
Percent base saturation (PBS)113.4 ± 23.285.15 ± 1.80.24

Means with the different letters across row are significantly different () to land management.