Review Article

Relationship of Maize Yield to Climatic and Environmental Factors under Deficit Irrigation: A Quantitative Review

Figure 4

Percentage of studies and observations per yield parameter assessed. GY: grain yield, Abg_biom: above-ground biomass, HI: harvest Index, KW(1000): 1000 kernel weight, K_nb/ear: kernel_number per ear, LAI: leaf Area Index, P_hght: plant height, E_nb/plt: ear number per plant, E_nb/m2; ear number per m2, L_nb/plt: leave number per plant, GY/ear: grain weight per ear, Sh_biom: shoot biomass, Max_RD: maximum root depth, E_hght: ear height, E_wght: ear weight, E_diam: ear diameter, Stem_diam: stem diameter, K_f_wght: kernel fresh weight, E_f_wght: ear fresh weight, K_nb/row: kernel number per row, Plt_DM: plant dry mass, G_DM/plt: grain dry mass per plant, C_DM: cob dry mass, Stv_DM: stover dry mass, Silking (%): percentage of silking, Tasseling (%): percentage of tasseling, and CGR: crop growth rate.