Research Article

Influence of Sowing Date on Phenology, Biometric, and Yield of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) Cultivars in Chitwan, Nepal

Table 5

Effect of different sowing dates and selected cultivars on grain yield (kg·ha−1), biological yield (kg·ha−1), and harvest index of spring mungbean at AFU, Rampur, Chitwan, 2019.

TreatmentsParameters measured
Grain yield (kg·ha−1)Biological yield (kg·ha−1)Harvest Index (%)

Date of planting (D)
D1 = February-131799b577731.11c
D2 = February-281903b568733.45bc
D3 = March-152105a589535.70ab
D4 = March-302223a596237.17a
SEm (±)72.50121.400.62
LSD (0.05)177.3Ns1.53
CV (%)4.404.602.20

Cultivars (V)
V1 = Kalyan1848b5620c32.83a
V2 = Partikshya1983ab5765bc34.34a
V3 = Partigya2080a5903ab35.20a
V4 = Pant-52119a6032a35.07a
SEM (±)75.60106.500.95
LSD (0.05)156.1219.8ns
CV (%)9.204.506.70
Grand mean2007583034.36

Treatment mean followed by common letters within the same column are not significantly different from each other based on DMRT at a 5% level of significance.