Research Article

Enantioseparation of Citalopram by RP-HPLC, Using Sulfobutyl Ether-β-Cyclodextrin as a Chiral Mobile Phase Additive

Table 4

Test of the accuracy of ()-CIT and ()-CIT by standard additions.

Concentration (μg/mL)Recovery (%)

()-CIT0, 3.95, 7.91, 11.9, 15.89.889.2793.8
()-CIT0, 3.95, 7.91, 11.9, 15.89.889.2693.7

Mobile phase: aqueous buffer/methanol/acetonitrile of 21 : 3 : 1 (v/v/v), 5 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate, 12 mM SBE-β-CD, pH of 2.5, flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, detection wavelength of 240 nm, temperature of 25°C, and injection of 10 μL and 0.22 mM of racemic CIT.