Research Article

Gas Chromatography Coupled to High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry as a High-Throughput Tool for Characterizing Geochemical Biomarkers in Sediments

Figure 7

Variations of the relative abundances of n-alkanes C27 and C29 (a), n-alkanols C24 and C30 (b), and n-fatty acids C24 and C30 (c), along the sedimentary core collected at Valo Grande Channel in Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagunar System. Correspondence of sediment depth and year: 48-50 cm (1976), 52-54 cm (1972), 66-68 cm (1956), 84-86 cm (1925), 110-112 cm (1887), 146-148 cm (1816), 158-160 cm (1796), 174-176 cm (1776), 194-196 cm (1725).