Research Article

Chemical Vapour Deposition of MWCNT on Silica Coated Fe3O4 and Use of Response Surface Methodology for Optimizing the Extraction of Organophosphorus Pesticides from Water

Table 2

The analytical performance of MSPE-LC-MS method for determination of OPPs.

OPPsRegression equationR2Linear range (μg/L)LOD (μg/L)LOQ (μg/L)RSD (%, n=5)EF

Azinphos methyly = 2864.6x + 142510.997710-2000.0040.0135.7721
Chlorpyrifosy = 488.28x + 870.330.997610-2000.0260.0853.6541
Malathiony = 2203x - 13490.997110-2000.0060.0215.1394
Parathiony = 113.78x + 85.2550.995510-2000.1500.4994.3431