Research Article

Memory Awareness Influences Everyday Decision Making Capacity about Medication Management in Alzheimer's Disease

Table 2

Components of decision making for medication management.


ACED total28.94 (1.85)22.33 (6.13)25.56 (3.24)3.641.35.065
Understanding9.48 (0.93)7.52 (2.34)7.87 (2.06)
Appreciation7.80 (0.57)5.43 (2.25)7.19 (1.05)8.361.35.007
Comparative reasoning3.80 (0.57)2.95 (1.43)3.69 (0.60)3.701.35.062
Consequential reasoning3.86 (0.41)2.43 (1.43)3.00 (1.26)1.591.35.215
Expression of choice4.00 (0.00)4.00 (0.00)3.81 (0.54)2.521.35.122

Note. HE healthy elder; UAD unaware group; AAD aware group; ACED assessment of capacity for everyday decision making. Analyses presented for UAD versus AAD.