Clinical Study

Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of sAPPα and sAPPβ in Lewy Body and Alzheimer's Disease: Clinical and Neurochemical Correlates

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the diagnostic groups.

Diagnosis groupsNC ( )AD ( )DLB ( )PDD ( )P

Gender (F/M)7/530/207/177/140.034
Age, y74.1 (8.3)74.4 (8.1)74.0 (7.1)73.6 (7.0)
MMSE28.6 (0.9)21.1 (4.9)21.8 (4.0)20.4 (4.9)0.000(1)
Disease duration, yNa2.2 (1.3)4.1 (3.1)7.0 (4)0.0002(2)
Education, y10.2 (3.0)10.1 (.3.) ( )9.3 (2.4)9.3 (2.8)0.8

NC: normal controls, AD: Alzheimer’s disease, DLB: dementia with Lewy bodies, PDD: Parkinson’s disease dementia; Na: not applicable.
Numbers represent mean (standard deviation) or number of patients.
(1) Significant difference between NC and the disease groups. No significant difference between disease groups.
(2) Significant difference between PDD and the two other disease groups. No significant difference between DLB and AD.