Research Article

A Modified Pareto Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Solve Biobjective Weapon-Target Assignment Problem

Algorithm 1

() Pre-processing;
() Initialization: generate the number of ants , initialize pheromone vectors with ,
       set the values of and ;
() repeat until Termination conditions has not been met
()  for Ant = 1 to   
   determine the lifespan of the ant randomly of the interval ;
   create /built empty assignment solution/;
   determine the objective weight for each objective ;
   indicates the number of targets to be selected ;
()  while    and   with   
   select an assignment using formula (5) and add it to ;
   update local pheromone information;
   decrement ;
   check feasibility ;
()    if   is feasible
     check efficiency ;
()    if   is efficient
     store and remove dominated ones;
() for each objective   
   determine best and second-best solution for each objective ;
   update global pheromone information using best and second-best solution;
   using formula (8);