Research Article

Nonlinear Material Behavior Analysis under High Compression Pressure in Dynamic Conditions

Table 7

Cost benefit analysis (CBA).

(a)Number of copper crushers used in proof firing during year 2012/13 (excluding production rejection)15,400 crushers
(b)Number of copper crushers used in proof firing during year 2013/14 (excluding production rejection)13,582 crushers
(c)Number of copper crushers used in proof firing during years 2012/13 & 2013/14 (excluding production rejection)28,982 crushers
(d)Cost of one radial copper crusher (4 × 6 mm)2.96 USD
(e)Total cost of crushers used in two years85,786.72 USD
(f)Cost of one piezoelectric transducer 9,548 USD
(g)Cost comparison between piezoelectric and copper crushers in two years1 : 8.98424
(h)Saving (difference of cost in two years’ proofing if piezo method is adopted)76,241 USD
(i)Approx. average saving per year≈38,120 USD