Research Article

A Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for Regional Targets’ Small Satellite Image Downlink Scheduling Problem

Table 1

Variable description.


Satellite data downlink tasks
Point target tasks
Regional target tasks
Groups of regional targets
Start time of image acquisition
End time of image acquisition
Earliest data downlink start time
Data downlink start time
Duration of the data downlink
Profit of task
Deadline of data downlink
Earliest data downlink start time of regional targets
Latest data downlink end time of regional targets
The set of ground station’s visibility mask
Earliest visible time of a ground station
Latest visible time of a ground station
Earliest visible time of a ground station
Latest visible time of a ground station
Completion of data downlink tasks
Data compression ratio
Interval time between two data downlink tasks
Time interval between the imaging end time and the data downlink start time