Research Article

Halt Optimization Strategy for a Space Manipulator with a Joint-Locked Failure

Table 2

Symbols annotations of n-DOF space manipulator without a joint-locked failure.


Inertial coordinate frame
Base coordinate system
End-effector coordinate system
The coordinate system of the link ()
Centroid of the link ()
The joint connected link and link ()
The vector from to , and
The vector from to ()
The vector from to ()
The vector from to the end-effector
The unit vector in the axis direction in
The mass of the link ()
The mass of the base
The total mass of the system
The inertia tensor of link ()
The inertia tensor of base
The joint angle of joint ()
The position vector of joint angle in joint space,
The position vector of centroid of base in inertial frame
The position vector of centroid of in inertial frame ()
The position vector of the end-effector
The position vector of ()
The pose vector of the base,
The orientation vector of the base
The velocity of the base
The pose vector of the end-effector,
The orientation vector of the end-effector
The velocity of the centroid of base
The velocity of the centroid of link ()
The velocity of the end-effector
The angular velocity of the base
The angular velocity of the link
The angular velocity of the end-effector