Research Article

Comparative Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Pattern Synthesis of Hemispherical Antenna Array Using Adaptive Evolutionary Techniques

Pseudocode 2

Pseudocode of Adaptive Fire Fly Algorithm.
(i) Initialize algorithm's parameters
number of fireflies (n),
maximum number of generations (iterations, Max-Gen)
Define the objective function ,
Generate initial population of fire flies ( )
//generate initial solutions
Light intensity for firefly at is determined by
value of objective function
(ii) While k MaxGen//( : MaxGen)
  For   : // all n fireflies
    For : 
        If ( ) move firefly i towards firefly j in
     d-dimension; End if
     Obtain attractiveness, which varies with distance r
Adaptive Tuning Of Controlling Parameters ( , , )
   End for j
End for i
Rank the fireflies and find the current best
End while
(iii) Find the firefly with the highest light intensity, visualisation