Research Article

Smart Cylindrical Dome Antenna Based on Active Frequency Selective Surface

Table 1

Survey of the high-gain modes.

Freq (GHz)Gain (dBi)AG (dB)3 dB-BW (degree)SLL (dBi)FBR (dB)

2.0 7.37 5.42 31 3.54 16.84
2.1 6.99 5.40 30 4.10 17.9
2.2 6.96 5.14 26 0.50 7.56
2.3 7.69 6.57 27 3.49 6.43
2.4 7.05 5.53 27 1.98 7.26
2.5 5.86 4.44 27 2.27 5.70
2.6 5.39 3.61 26−0.45 5.55
2.7 5.30 3.53 34 Null 2.96