Research Article

Surface Shape Detection with a Single Far-Field Intensity by Combined Amplitude and Phase Retrieval

Table 1

List of symbols.


aFar field of the tested antenna, complex-valued
AAperture field of the tested antenna, complex-valued
bFar-field amplitude of an ideal antenna, real and even
BAperture amplitude of an ideal antenna, real and even
CRelative aperture amplitude increase caused by δ
EradAperture phase aberration caused by δ
fGHzFrequency of the source in the measurement
F, F−1FFT, inverse FFT
FLmFocal length of tested antenna
GA matrix determined by antenna geometry [12]
LNLaplacian matrix extended to size N × N [12]
NData size N × N
δmmSurface shape error of the tested antenna
ηOversampling factor in the far-field scanning