Research Article

[Retracted] Iris Localization Algorithm based on Effective Area

Algorithm 2

Pseudo code of regional pixel fusion.
Input: The obtained effective iris area, IMG; The center of the inner boundary, (Xp, Yp); the radius of the inner boundary, Rp;
Output: The image after regional pixel fusion 1 import math 2 Pix_block = IMG[(Yp + Rp − 1): (Yp + Rp + 1), (Xp + Rp + 4): (Xp + Rp + 6)] #get pixel matrix
(3)pa, pb,pc, pd = Pix_block [0] [0], Pix_block [0] [1], Pix_block [1] [0], Pix_block [1, 1]
(4)P_aver = math.floor (pa/4 + pb/4 + pc/4 + pd/4) # calculate the average grayscale value
(5)IMG [Yp − Rp − 5: Yp + Rp + 5, Xp − Rp − 5: Xp + Rp +5] = P_aver #fuse the pupil
(6)IMG [0 : Yp − Rp,:] = P_aver #fuse the upper eyelid
(7)return IMG