Research Article

[Retracted] Research on Design and Application of Online English Education Platform Based on Web

Table 2

Six levels of CEFR.

LevelAbility to describe

A1 (initiation and discovery stage)Students can understand and use popular and commonly used phrases to make simple statements to meet specific requirements. Students are able to introduce themselves, introduce a person, and ask a person questions about that person where they live, their relationships, and what they own.
A2 (intermediate and continuation)Students can understand individual sentences and common phrases that describe simple activities personal and family information, shopping, familiar environment, and work. Students are able to carry out simple and direct information exchange on familiar and habitual content while completing simple and habitual tasks.
B1 (entry stage)Students can understand the general meaning when the other person speaks clearly and in standard terms and when the speech is about familiar topics such as work, study, and hobbies. Students are able to describe an event, describe a desire or goal, and give short reasons for, or explain, a plan or idea.
B2 (advanced or independent stage)Students are able to understand the main points of a complex text, both concrete and abstract, and to discuss their own areas of expertise. Students are able to express their views clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, present opinions on current issues, and express the benefits and disadvantages of something.
C1 (autonomous stage)Students can understand many articles with long and large vocabularies and understand the hidden meanings. Students are able to express their ideas freely and fluently without struggling to find the right words to use. Students are able to articulate their ideas on complex topics in a clear and well-organized manner, speaking in a well-organized, articulating, and coherent manner.
C2 (mastery stage)Students can understand almost everything they read or hear without struggling. Students are able to make organized summaries of a variety of information from written or oral sources. Students can express their opinions freely, fluently and accurately, and can use different levels of words to express themselves.

The flowchart of applying K-means clustering in the English online education platform is shown in Figure 4.