Research Article

A Super Wideband Directional Compact Vivaldi Antenna for Lower 5G and Satellite Applications

Table 1

Geometrical parameters of the proposed tapered slot super wideband vivaldi antenna.

Parameter with symbolValue (mm)

Length of antenna, L45
Width of antenna, W35
Height of substrate, h0.79
Thickness of patch, mt0.035
Width of microstrip feed line, mw1.2
Tapper rate, r0.135
Throat width, s0.05
Back wall offset, ext1
Radius of cavity, ra3
Port coefficient, k9.53
Dielectric constant of substrate, ɛr2.2
Tangent loss of substrate, δ0.0009
Angle of radial stub, a70 deg
Length of the radial stub, Lst4.5
Outer mouth opening, Wo25.34
Radius of circular slots, Rc5
Distance of via from the slot, te1.4