Research Article

Generation Mechanism and Characteristic Analysis of Dual-Frequency Pseudo-Signal Interference of the Swept-Frequency Radar

Table 3

Two-frequency second-order intermodulation and third-order intermodulation “spike” type pseudo-signal test results.

Interference field strength 1 (dBV/m)Interference field strength 2 (dBV/m)Second-order intermodulation pseudo-signal level (dBmV)Third-order intermodulation pseudo-signal level (dBmV)Second-order intermodulation pseudo-signal distance (m)Third-order intermodulation pseudo-signal distance (m)Distance difference (m)

Transmit signal attenuation 30 dB−59−593.0313.39913.4921.78.3

Transmit signal attenuation 40 dB−59−592.334.89907.2915.48.2