Research Article

Identification of Control Parameters Using Taguchi Method for Hybrid Real-Binary Differential Evolution Algorithm and Its Applications in Electromagnetic Optimization

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of .
(1)Set , , , ,
(2)Initialize the pop randomly distributed in the solution space.
(3)Set gen = 0, FEs = 0, Max FEs = 
(7)  Sort the population based on their fitness values, and the top individuals form subpopulation S1, and the remaining individuals form subpopulation S2.
(8)end if
(11)  Perform the mutation operation based on DE/best/1.
(13)  Perform the mutation operation based on DE/rand/1.
(15) Perform the crossover operation.
(16) Perform the selection operation.
(17)end for
(19)end while
(20)Return the best agent fitness.