Research Article

Role of CEACAM1, ECM, and Mesenchymal Stem Cells in an Orthotopic Model of Human Breast Cancer

Table 3

Characterization and optimization of an in vivo mammary gland morphogenesis model1.

MECStromal cellsECMOutcome

Humanized mammary fat pads
NonehTert MSCECM or NoneNo growth
+hTert MSCCol I plus matrigelSlow growth of xenografts ( > 10 weeks) and differentiation into striated epithelium

Normal mouse mammary fat pads
+hTert MSCCol I plus matrigelRapid xenograft growth ( 8 weeks) and differentiation into striated epithelium
+hTert MSCNoneLow engraftment (3 out 8 animals) and lack of differentiation
+NoneCol I plus matrigelSmall xenografts ( < 1-2 mm) and lack of differentiation
+NoneMatrigelSmall xenografts ( < 1-2 mm), but formation of acni and clusters of cells
+RMF/EGMatrigel/No ECMLarger xenografts ( > 5–10 mm), but outgrowth of fibroblasts
+hTert MSCMatrigelGrowth of xenografts ( > 5 mm) and differentiation epithelial cells

Pregnant mammary fat pads
+hTert MSCMatrigelGrowth of xenografts ( > 5 mm) and formation of lumen

1+ indicates MCF-7 transfected with CEACAM1-4S.