Research Article

Assessment of Factors Associated with Breast Self-Examination among Health Extension Workers in West Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of health extension workers in West Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia, October 2012.

VariablesTotal study participants
Number (395) Percent

Marital status
 Married 19649.6
 Unmarried 15539.2
 Widowed 51.3
 Divorced 71.8
 Union 328.1
Education status
 Certificate 36391.9
 Diploma 328.1
 Orthodox 38798
 Muslim 51.2
 Protestant 30.8
TV at home
Radio at home
 No 5914.9
Father education status
 Illiterate 17444.1
 Read and write 18145.8
 Elementary school 225.6
 Secondary school and above 184.6
Mother education status
 Illiterate 28572.2
 Read and write 9524.1
 Elementary school 82.0
 Secondary school and above 71.8