Research Article

Breast Cancer with Neoductgenesis: Histopathological Criteria and Its Correlation with Mammographic and Tumour Features

Table 1

Criteria for scoring the concentration of duct-like structures, lymphocytic infiltration, and periductal fibrosis. The classification of “neoductgenesis” was based on these histopathological criteria. See Figures 13.


(1) Concentration of duct-like structures and loss of normal ductal-lobular architecture0No concentration of duct-like structures and no loss of normal ductal-lobular architecture
1Focal concentration of duct-like structures and focal loss of normal ductal-lobular architecture
2General concentration of duct-like structures and loss of normal ductal-lobular architecture

(2) Lymphocytic infiltration0No periductal lymphocytic infiltration
1Mild periductal lymphocytic infiltration
2Intense periductal lymphocytic infiltration

(3) Fibrosis-like thickening of the periductal stroma0No fibrosis-like thickening of the periductal stroma
1Little fibrosis-like thickening of the periductal stroma
2Much fibrosis-like thickening of the periductal stroma

NeoductgenesisYes5-6 points
No0–4 points