Research Article

Expression of Tropomyosin 1 Gene Isoforms in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Table 2

Tropomyosin 1 gene RNA isoform expression in breast cancer cell lines.

Cell lineRNA isoform expression

Breast cancer
 HCC 1143++++++++++++
 HCC 1187+++++++++++++
 BT 474+++++++++++
 mDAMB 157++++++++++++++
 HCC 1806+++++++++
 HCC 1419+++++++++++
 mDAMB 453++++++++++
 mDAMB 468+++++++++++++

MCF10A (normal breast)+++++++++++++
HCC 1143 (BL)+++++
HCC 1143 (BL)+++++
Adult heart+++++++++
Fetal heart+++++++++

▲ = cell lines were analyzed by RNA-PCR for the indicated TPM1 isoforms. GAPDH RNA was analyzed as a control for baseline RNA expression. Expression was qualitatively recorded as either negative (−) or plus (+) to four pluses (++++).
= primary tumor; the rest were metastatic tumors.
+BL = B-lymphocyte cell lines.