Research Article

Are Patients Traveling for Intraoperative Radiation Therapy?

Table 1

Comparison of patients who live local (<50 miles), regional (50–100 miles), and faraway from the treating institution.

Local patients (<50 miles) (68.7%)Regional patients (50–100 miles) (11.3%)Faraway patients (>100 miles) (20.0%) value

Mean travel distance (miles)19.870.0500.6<0.001

Age (years)71.371.868.60.28

 Caucasian90 (90%)17 (100%)27 (93.1%)0.34
 African American8 (8%)00 (0%)
 Asian1 (1%)01 (3.5%)
 Other1 (1%)01 (3.5%)

Tumor type
 IDC63 (61.2%)11 (64.7%)17 (56.7%)0.41
 ILC4 (3.8%)01 (3.3%)
 Mixed35 (34.0%)5 (29.4%)10 (33.3%)
 Other1 (1%)1 (5.9%)2 (6.6%)

ER positive103 (100%)17 (100%)29 (96.7%)0.31

PR positive88 (85.4%)15 (88.2%)27 (93.1%)0.59

HER2 positive1 (1%)000.34

Adjuvant chemotherapy004 (14.3%)0.002

Whole breast radiation2 (2%)01 (3.6%)0.67

<0.05 = significant.