Research Article

Practices of Breast Self-Examination and Associated Factors among Female Debre Berhan University Students

Table 4

Factors associated with practices of BSE among female DBU students.

VariablesCategoryPractices of BSECOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)
Yes (%)No (%)

CollegeHealth science76 (22.5)262 (77.5)5.102 (2.891–9.0041.158 (0.4682.864)
Nonhealth37 (59.7)25 (40.3)

Year of study1st year10 (20)40 (80)
2nd year34 (21.4)125 (78.6)1.088 (0.4942.397)0.472 (0.1421.565)
3rd year30 (36.1)53 (63.9)2.264 (0.9925.167)0.831 (0.2223.108)
4th year20 (41.7)28 (58.3)2.857 (1.162–7.0250.881 (0.2103.697)
5th year19 (31.7)41 (68.3)1.854 (0.7684.473)1.698 (0.4636.231)

Ever heard of BSEYes99 (38.7)157 (61.3)5.855 (3.194–10.7330.684 (0.2781.686)
No14 (9.7)130 (90.3)

Knowing how to perform BSEYes97 (67.8)46 (32.2)31.762 (17.159–58.79311.197 (4.542–27.607
No16 (6.2)241 (93.8)

Knowing when to perform BSEYes81 (66.4)41 (33.6)15.187 (8.974–25.7023.507 (1.620–7.593
No32 (11.5)246 (88.5)

Knowing the three positions to perform BSEYes83 (50.3)82 (49.7)6.917 (4.238–11.2882.253 (1.104–4.599
No30 (12.8)205 (87.2)

Believing that BSE is important & useful to detect breast cancer Agree109 (31.4)238 (68.6)5.496 (1.656–18.2366.837 (1.640–28.509
Disagree3 (7.7)36 (92.3)

Statistical significance.
1: reference group.