Research Article

Distribution, Size, and Shape of Abdominal Aortic Calcified Deposits and Their Relationship to Mortality in Postmenopausal Women

Table 5

The individual hazard ratios for the markers in the CVD and the CVD/cancer group as well as two Cox regression elimination models. First the nonadjusted hazard ratios from Table 2 are stated again, and then two elimination models are shown. The symbols *, **, and *** denote the significance corresponding to , , and , respectively. #NCD stands for number of calcifications.

CVD: CVD Elim.: CVD/cancer: CVD/cancer Elim.:

Area %1.60**−3.84***1.68***2.39***
Sim. area %2.96***2.37***
Thickness %1.321.45***
Wall %1.50**1.60***
Length %1.55**1.61***