Research Article

Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Hybrid Clustering and Morphological Operations

Table 1

Pseudocode of the image segmentation procedure.

(1) Input: MR image
(2) Output: Segmented tumor image
(3) Preprocessing: Perform adaptive Wiener filter and
morphological operation.
(4) Set the value of clusters k, the degree of fuzziness , the
error , and the value of objective function
(5) Initialize the cluster centroid using K-means++:
(6) Choose an initial center at random from image R, where x represents the pixel of the MR image
(7) Begin
(8) Calculate the probability of each remaining pixel using
, where is the distance between the
pixel and the nearest center, ā€™ represents the next pixel.
(9) Choose the pixel with the highest probability as the next
initial center
(10) Update the the i-th cluster centroid
(11) If k initial centers are calculated
(12) Then Break
(13) End if
(14) Cluster the obtained images using K++GKFCM:
(15) Begin:
(16) Calculate K(x, y) using Eq. (9)
(17) Update the membership degree using Eq. (5)
(18) Update the the i-th cluster centroid using Eq. (4)
(19) If , where represents
the function of the i-th iteration
(20) Then Break
(21) End if
(22) End