Research Article

Artificial Intelligence-Based Classification of Chest X-Ray Images into COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases

Table 2

Hyperparameters used to train CovidPred models.
(a) Original images/single augmentation-based models (for 26 models)

Sr. No.HyperparameterValue

1Number of iterations400
2Batch size16
3Number of epochs24
4Image size256
5Internal validation size0.1
6Filter size (1st convolutional layer)3
7Number of filters (1st convolutional layer)32
8Filter size (2nd convolutional layer)5
9Number of filters (2nd convolutional layer)64
10Filter size (3rd convolutional layer)7
11Number of filters (3rd convolutional layer)128
12Fully connected layer size256

(b) Original and all augmentation-based models (for combined image-based models)

Sr. No.HyperparameterValue

1Number of iterations5568/11136/23300
2Batch size32
3Number of epochs24/49/101
4Other hyperparametersSame as given in (a)