Research Article

Preclinical Testing of New Hydrogel Materials for Cartilage Repair: Overcoming Fixation Issues in a Large Animal Model

Figure 7

Histology after 12 weeks in vivo. Histological evaluation using modified O‘Driscoll score by two blinded observers. Boxes represent first and third quartiles, medians are given as horizontal lines, and whiskers are maximal and minimal values. StarPEG and PAGE n = 10, empty n = 4, and there was no statistical significance between the groups, : vs. empty control (ANOVA) (a). Best and worst results per group according to histological scoring (mod. O‘Driscoll score done by two blinded observers). Toluidine blue staining; scale bar: 500 μm (b). Magnification of best constructs per group regarding cell morphology and metachromasia, toluidine blue staining; scale bar: 200 μm (c).