Research Article

Comparison of Rat Connective Tissue Response to BioMTA, Angelus MTA, and Root MTA

Table 1

Mean scores and standard deviation of the fibrous capsule after 7, 15, 30, and 60 days and value for comparison of test groups and each group in different time periods.

Time7 days15 days30 days60 days
GroupsMean ± SD

Control29/86 ± 3/36a37/54 ± 2/90a28/48 ± 3/66a26/20 ± 3/39a
MTA Angelus77/76 ± 6/62b81/52 ± 7/21b63/76 ± 5/27b36/44 ± 4/46b
MTA Bio90/40 ± 6/41c88/58 ± 5/19b70/14 ± 4/63b47/20 ± 6/16c
MTA Root95/96 ± 5/77c103/46 ± 8/99c84/26 ± 4/51c59/72 ± 3/11d

Different letters do not show statistical differences in each column.